Wednesday, May 14, 2014

DBPW - Day 101 We are only life's puzzle peices...

As a lot of you know, I am changing my Bi Polar medication because there were just too many contradictions from the doctor(s), one saying this, one saying that.  What I am going off of is an anti- depressant that they claim can help with chronic pain.  As some of you know I have multiple herniated discs in my spine.  I am just playing catch up for any newbies here.  I just heard that this drug is no longer being touted as a pain reducer because people were killing themselves on it (soothing news for me).  It was apparently causing such dramatic mood shifts, highs and lows people were hurting themselves when all they wanted was pain relief.  I was also told by a doctor that anti- depressants can be counterproductive against Bi Polar meds.  Uhhhhm, hello, why am I on these then?  As a result, we have been weaning off them and another drug.  I would tell you the story about the other drug too but it’s basically the same deal.  I am on two drugs they are not sure, not really sure at all, are doing me any good.  To get off these types of drugs that play with the neurons in the brain you have to taper off them slowly, each week reducing them by ever so little amounts.   I am noticing changes in myself each day. 


What I am finding is my temper is coming back.  I think I was stoned for the last 5 plus years.  My senses numbed.  Please do not panic I am still on a Bi Polar drug (similar to Lithium, a newer drug) and the plan is to increase that drug when the other meds are weaned off.  But in the meantime, wow, am I feeling more like the old me from years back.  I feel very sarcastic and angry.  Yes, that was the delightful old me.  Yay me!  Now after all this mindful self-love learning shit, I am not sure this change is a good thing.  I just arrived on happy place, mindful island, for christ sakes!  I don't want to live my life in an emotional bubble but to go back to being the defensive me, not sure.  I packed up my defensive tackle gear a long time ago.  Now I just feel like a raw piece of meat waiting to be attacked and not the hell sure what's gonna happen when I am.  I think this is what rabid dogs must feel like.  Scared but if you fuck with them, watch out.  I am definitely trying to be mindful of what I do and say now with the "lovely old charming me peeking back out".  Okay maybe the "speaking mindfully" part still needs some work.

Recently my blog grabbed the attention of a publishing company out of Europe.  When I posted how happy and excited I was a friend immediately said, "Check if it's legit".  I of course went immediately to a place of ,"Oh right, why would they be legit, it's only MY writing, who'd want that?"  I quickly realized that was ALL ON ME.  Even if she was jealous and saying that only out of her emotion, I ALLOWED it hit me THAT particular way.  Knowing this, having the tools to see this, I let it go.  Well I wrote about it verbatim first, then I let it go.  Girls gotta write.  I need material from which to teach the masses.  

Today I posted about a place in Alberta I think it is, that is giving parents a $5 deduction on their bill, it's a restaurant, when their kids "behave".  Now the definition of behaving is a tough one, it's subjective.  Two people may have completely different ideas of what behaving means when it comes to their children.  But I said I would give an extra $5 if I, personally, thought they "behaved".  You see, very recently I was in an upscale restaurant and two kids were playing instruments at their table using the cutlery and plates. No, I am not against music per say, or musical child prodigies, but this was just noise.  Then one child actually put his foot in my purse on the back of my chair to launch himself over the back of his mother's chair. I guess she trapped him in the corner very knowingly.  Eventually as all heads turned in their direction, the father took both kids out for a walk.  These two kids didn't belong in a nice, non-family oriented, bar like restaurant, and it was obvious to all.  The kids were bored stiff, they were competing with the live music to be seen and heard.  It was dreadful.  But when I posted I would give $5 that same "legit" comment friend seemed to come back fighting.  Asking what my definition of "behavior" was because her child is known to wander restaurants and say hello to people.  Again, I found myself in a defensive tackle position. 
oh so cute...really no, he is...

Please note where I say above, "she seemed" to come back at me fighting.  I took it that way.  Was that how it was meant????
Assume the position.  Ready.  Steady.  And DEFEND.

It was time to take stock.  Was this me?  Is it me changing drugs?  Am I too emotional, maybe too angry?  I mean I haven't been this way in a long time?  Maybe I am rapid cycling into the abyss, a place I know.  Instead of letting this all go to my head and drive me crazier than Solange Knowles, I trusted my friendship enough to email the person.
Here's what I said; "Hey, little insecure about the legit response to my fantastic news and the kids in restaurants posting.  I got insecure about your legit comment, I DID THAT, that's on me.  I need you to know it was NOT ABOUT YOU.  And on the restaurants, I wasn't talking about your child, I would never".  Immediately her response came back.  She's just busy and her comments have been short because of that.  With the "legit" comment she was quick to explain she's just really busy and went into quick, have no time, protective of her friend’s talent mode.  And per the kid post she was trying to joke about her daughter thinking restaurants are "get to know people time".  I guess her daughter literally will walk around greeting people into the restaurant! LOL I would have preferred that to foot in purse on my Tom Ford sunglasses people! 


*Shoulders drop below ears*

What this whole post reminds me is that we miscommunicate every single day especially electronically.  When we do not attempt to get to the source of the problem, we get nowhere.  If I hadn't gone to her and said, "Hey, I know this is likely all on ME" and MEANT it, we would still be fighting?  She needed to know I wasn't attacking her when I went to her, that I knew it could all be MY feelings at play.  When you go to someone and you check your ego at the door, you get the response you are looking for 9 times out of 10.  A good person will come back to you when you've checked your ego and check theirs.  They will put aside a need to defend and judge and say, "Let’s meet in the middle here".  Our egos are our superficial sense of self and at this age (day and age), if we cannot interact with ego aside we have done very little growing as a human being.  You need to be able to present yourself, ego at your side, to another human being to have an honest and authentic interaction.  If you cannot do this, then the "Town Of Superficiality" is going to be where you reside.  And your interactions will live there too.  Drop that ego, try to interact with someone you care about without it and you won't believe how much more fulfilled you feel.  How much deeper things can go, how much more love you feel.  It's truly amazing.  Trust me if this bitch can do it, and I define the word bitch, so can you!

That said, be careful.  There are those ones though, the 1 out of 10.  There is that one person you are going to need to watch for.  Those damn one percenters that will kick you while your ego is down.  They know you have put your ego aside for the better good and they are gonna pull back their foot and knock you so far off your pedestal of hope that you won't know what hit you.  Those are the people you don't want around you.  Had this gal come back in fight mode telling me off I would have known right then and there, she had zero interest in the understanding of ME or my position.  At this age, at our age, there is no time for that anymore.  There just isn't.  We are solidifying ourselves as people at this age and fighting, its bullshit.  End of story.  Continued fighting means we cannot see eye to eye.  Do you want to be constantly staring up or down at someone?  My neck hurts just thinking about it!  Even Steven, level playing field.  In social interactions we need to make it so.

It's like a puzzle.  This is the time in our lives where we need to be completing our puzzles of life.    After years of working on our own pieces, cutting and shaping them to fit into our day to day, we cannot start cutting and pasting others to fit too.  We have to focus on our important puzzle pieces.  Our spouses, kids, careers.  They all seem to fit fine.  We cannot force other pieces to fit our puzzle needlessly.  We cannot waste time trying to mould them into ours.  We have to realize our puzzle no longer works with them in it and that's okay.  They have their own puzzle too ya know? It goes both ways.  Once you can pull your piece out and realize it simply doesn't fit their puzzle either you will be better for it.  Let them get on with their picture and you focus on yours.  Puzzles are hard enough.  Did you know it takes months to do a 1000 piece puzzle?  (Way too much OCD over here to have that sitting on ma' table unfinished!)  Imagine each day of your life as a puzzle piece, do you really need to make all pieces fit or just the important ones that seem to fit into YOUR picture perfectly?

I don't know about you but my hands are sore from trying to customize my puzzle to fit people that just don't want to be in my picture anymore.  And worse trying to make my piece fit in their puzzle too.  "But wait, why don't you fit, right there, there's a spot, come onnnnnnnn, fit in there.  Damn it."

I finally have my puzzle figured out.  That or the drug decision was a bad call and I am going off the rails. 

Tomorrow will tell. 


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