Friday, March 14, 2014

DBPW Day 40 Good cries...

Oh boy did we have a good cry today. Well there was no "we" unless you count my multiple personalities.  Just I cried.  My husband and dog consoled me.  I am feeling very unnecessary these days, like there is no purpose in my life.  And purpose scares me.  I know that empowerment says that fear holds you back from anything positive, from a future, from even enjoying the now.  I know all this.

I am a strong, beautiful, intelligent funny woman doing NOTHING with her life but this wee blog.  Sure I take care of a house, bills, companies, my husband, the kids when they are here and the animals but by comparison to how my brain used to work.  I just watched a TV show where the woman said, "I was happy, and I just figured out who I am to be happy again".  And I realized that's me.   Where from here?

Between my husband and I we have decided that I need to go back to school.  I can't handle the day to day stresses of a job yet, not right now.  But school, perhaps.  There are no promises but I can say I love to learn so I am looking forward to that.  First off a course in May in Florida hosted by Louise Hay and Hay House with Dr. Wayne Dyer guest speaking.  I need a bit of a push with this writing thing.  While I am honest and open with the words, I am not the best at them....yet!  Give me time.

I hope that 365 days of this blog can turn into a book for those suffering from depression or bi polar.  I understand you, I get you.  I know what it's like to wake up and think, "no, really, I don't want this, happy happy thoughts"...followed by tears.  Like today.

I am not in the best mood, it's changing again down.  But I can handle this like the bitch that I am.  I will take this mood by storm, you wait. 

Tomorrow's write up will be a big one, wait for it.  I am taking on the body folks.  Big, small, obese, anorexic, why can't we all just get along???

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