Tuesday, March 4, 2014

DBPW - Day 30 Uteruses anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

Today took a turn mood wise that I thought was going to be unnerving but it was just a passing mood thankfully.  When you feel them come on in my world you shiver thinking “how long with this last?"  It was after the gym, I was driving home listening to P!NK’s latest album and for a soft song I got quite weepy.  After the Oscar weepiness I wondered if I was moving into another low.  I spend most of my time there, low.  Occasional highs and normals.  But nope, just a passing mood thankfully.  And low and behold, my body decided I wasn’t quite ready for menopause either.  Not yet gurl, not yet.  Now the moods are explained. 

Speaking of menopause I might as well warn all that you may get really stoned blog days someday soon.  I have endometriosis so badly that my uterine wall is attached to my bowels, the scar tissue and damage is rampant so they have to take out the uterus and get to the bowels and ensure they aren’t scarred beyond repair.  I have a lot of pain in the general area.  I am actually hoping my back pain eases some, a girl can hope.  When this surgery happens I am pretty sure I will be able to type or dictate at least don’t you think?  “And then husband, I saw a unicorn pass right by the room, write that to them too please.  Where am I?  Who are you?  Did you see that unicorn go by?”  I promised 365 days!  I think a couple days of incoherent rambling would be outstandingly funny, no?  I have no idea when this will all take place as my doctor says, “I am only a pain patient”.  I am not dying so I am not even close to being on the waiting list for a surgery.  I have to see a General Surgeon first for the bowel area then back to the Gyno Department for the booking jointly with GS.  I feel like a patient on Grey’s Anatomy, “Arizona you are up first, then Bailey….let’s get this woman out of pain”.  LOL
I can't help but wonder if my Bi Polar would turn out to be something to do with the uterus and hormones.  Maybe it's all periods??  Then I have to do the typical Bi Polar thing and remind myself it's not only when I have my period and it doesn't explain the highs. It would be nice to be able to find a cure wouldn't it.  I can be "managed", not cured.   

All I can say about the above is Thank God it was not Cancer which was a concern because of some tumors but they were benign, “whew” *wipes brow*.

I don’t really have much more to report today thankfully.  Sometimes it’s nice when it’s quiet.

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