Wednesday, March 12, 2014

DBPW Day 38 Life lessons only feel good once you learn

Today I've discovered that I have a lot of "Feel Good/Life Lesson" posts I want to put up but I have a lot of things to say about them. 
I believe this to be true.  I also believe we need to stop mongering like the world will stop spinning if we aren't in a good mood.  That our day and our worlds will become a negative pile of hot mess if we have a single negative thought.  It just isn't true.  Science is proving a positive attitude will help you come up with a positive outcome.  Add up positive outcomes and you will have a positive life.  But having a bad day, that's okay too so long as you aren't constantly getting lost in bad days.
If you don't cry over a past that deserves crying over you won't learn about your past and be able to apply it to your now, your understanding of your now.  Understanding and acceptance of your past will ensure your now is an educated one which will help you to ensure your future does not repeat your past. 
My beliefs are not limitations unless they are not fluid.  Fluidity allows the beliefs to change. 
Assumptions are a horrible thing.  Because you might be the type to read people, maybe you assume things and you set the stage for an interaction that might not need to happen. 
Nothing truly has meaning unless you give it such.  My parents got divorced.  It had NOTHING and EVERYTHING to do with me.  Nothing in that it was THEIR divorce, EVERYTHING as I CHOOSE to make it about me. 
Oh how I struggle with this one.  I am an overly honest, emotional person.  I share how I feel to a fault.  Typically I am then blamed for making it all about me when I am simply expressing my assumptions, feelings, and thoughts. 
Does choosing your words more carefully make them MORE impactful or LESS so?  In one case you think hard first and choose your words wisely.  In the other case you are brutally honest without filter.  I prefer the emotional choice.  I just think it's a more honest place to come  from.  The problem is that it can be hurtful.  But if you hold back and don't speak the truth it's not authentic words. 
And this is my point from earlier.  Pretending you don't have a hurtful past, doesn't work.  You must learn from your past especially if it's hurtful.   Let it all out, you must. 
Taking advantage of a person's weakness is weak. 
Be grateful.  Even if all these things are true and in this moment you are not happy, be grateful.  In gratefulness you may find happiness. 
You MUST choose people to be around you that do not make their lives the focus of your world.  You must ensure there is as much attention paid to you and your world or why bother.  One sided walls fall down. 
The volume of people who reached out to me because I was quiet for a few days was really special and moving.  If someone you know is being quiet, send your love.  It's those times that we are at our best and feel the most love. 
Life is about learning.  Learning is about obstacles.  Conquering those makes a life. 
This is the most humbling notion of life.  When you are gone their lives continue as if you didn't exist and if that upsets you, makes you feel less than, you have given their love of you too much power and your love of you, not enough. 
The testers and users, please line up over here at the edge of this cliff.
The teachers and besties, please line up over here right into my kitchen. :)
Enjoy the person in the moment.  If you can do that and only that you will have nothing to miss. 
Breaking someone's heart is not easy to repair, remember that. 
I love a lot.
I lived hard and NOW live gently.
I am learning to let go of who I once was.
But not before I lose ma' shit for it first.  This is where I just can't seem to let go.  If you break my trust I want it known, I need it known, I need you to pay.  This is my greatest weakness and something I am desperately working.
This is a lot of whoopla for one day.  Take it in, ask questions, feel things, and bark if you need to. 

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