Sunday, March 2, 2014

DBPW Day 28 (Who's watching the Oscars with me?)

Sunday March 2nd, 2014 – Day 28

OMG.  Talk about sick.  I have some sort of flu, or I mixed my pain meds with my arthritis medication and the results weren’t great.  That could be it.  The only way to tell would be to do a count of the pills but according to my step daughter, I am bad at math.

As for Bi Polar, still feeling quite normal, not too high, not too low, but not flat either.  So there’s a little manic in there but that’s okay if I manage it right and take it minute by minute. 

You see, my little charmer woke this morning with nothing but sunshine blowing out her 12 year old ba’hind.  First she assumed the position (see picture below) that she was assumed in allllll day yesterday.  Could we get her outside?  No we could not.  Skating?  No.  Snow tubing?  No.  Skiing?  No.  Snowmobiling?  No.  And when we pushed, she got weepy eyed.  Me thinks a female maybe getting her first….*ahem*….alright, I think she has screaming PMS!  Great.  Two of us.  My husband might as well move out now.

Least she's doing her homework right?

When responding to whether or not she had homework, I got, “Geography and Math, but the Math’s too hard, I need help”.  Okay I thought, I am an adult, I can add, divide, all of it.  “I can help”.  And her response just warmed my heart, “No it’s too hard, it’s Grade 9 Math, you won’t understand, I need Dad”.  Okay kid, last time I checked I did Grade 9 Math, TWICE!  If anyone will know it, it’s me.  Then she says, “Grade 9 Math today is not like when you were young?”  Fucking hell, I guess the class with Laura Ingalls I took, twice, won’t cut it.  Little snot!

This is what school looked like when I WENT apparently!

I will let you know how the Math does go, if I managed in my two terms to actually take in any information.

My boys all went for a snowmobile ride leaving me with her Highness.  Here’s hoping she lives through it cause I might not.  I couldn’t help but laugh when I went to wash the clothes she came in and it was an Army button down, with a sleeveless tee under, over tights, workman wool socks and Doc Martens.  And she doesn’t think we are anything alike.  We lived in those exact clothes in High School girlfriend.  This is not the first round for the Army shirt or Doc Martens, and certainly not the wool workman’s sock.  I wish I had a picture wearing it that I could show her but I suppose if I did that she’d throw out the clothes.  They’d be tarnished forever.

Because I can be a bitch, I tend to make things “ma’ bitch” and I have to say, that Math was my bitch.  Easy peasy.  Grade 9 *scoff*.  I must have failed for that attendance thing.  I didn’t go I mean.  I didn’t like my teacher.  If you don’t like someone the new world order dictates you don’t surround yourself with those type of people.  I was ahead of my time. 

Need to post early today.  It’s Oscar night.  Need to post my happy thoughts all night online and tomorrow, the big Red Carpet review.  It’s kind of ma’ thing.

Are you going to watch the Oscars tonight with me?  You can come over if you’d like. 


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