Friday, February 28, 2014

DBPW - Day 26 Manic, normal...who cares, I am happy...for now

Friday February 28th, 2014 – Day 26

Well folks I woke up this morning and felt great.  YAY ME!  With Bi Polar you wake up and think right away, “How am I feeling?”  I was a little unsure how today would go because I knew I had to go get mt step kids this afternoon.  I had been preparing for it all week.  I knew it was going to happen, I had to.  When I HAVE TO, I have to.  But it is very unusual for me not to get high/manic to do something like that.  I mentally prepare so much that I jack myself all up for it.  It’s how I am often able to commit and see something through.  You should have seen me when I helped as the wedding planner for some friends weddings.  I was on my feet for 3 days, 18 hours a day, barely eating, just drinking gallons of water I would sweat off.  I just don’t stop.  It’s freakishly robotic but man, do I know how to throw a party.  Then I crash after for a month or so.

Usually when I get the step kids I am forced to see their Mother of course, she is their Mother and they do live with her.  That’s what I have to prepare for.  I can’t avoid that even if I wanted to, it would be tres rude.  I might be a lot of things but rude is not one of them.  The kids Mother is about 5’5” and maybe a hundred pounds of lean yoga machine.  UGGERS!  I have to behave.  I have to keep my mouth shut about family politics and how one of my legs probably outweighs her.  I once asked her to wear a burka to family events if she didn’t mind.  A little Mommy ego boosting never hurts.  Thankfully I made today MY BITCH.  I was totally owning myself.  I got dressed in ONE SHOT, picked something I thought was perfect casual/nice and hip.  ONE SHOT!  Do you know how rare that is?  That’s about as rare as the Beibs NOT carrying an STD.  I was confident right out the door this afternoon. 

I got to the city, the kids, an hour early so I decided to flit around and do a few things in the city.  I went and bought myself flowers, (see picture below), they are gorgeous.  I stopped at a jewellery store for new backs (stoppers) for my earrings and the man sold me on a Tree of Life ring I just love (picture below as well).  I went to the bakery for my step son who loves Challah bread.  And then I went to Starbucks and got myself one of the lunch box things, a yogurt for breakfast tomorrow and a latte which I drank a bit over the newspaper.  From there I drove around with the Pitch Perfect CD playing in my car drinking my latte without getting angry at one driver.  Not a one!  I am as shocked as you are, trust me. 

When I got to the kids I was still early and hoping I didn’t have to see anyone but I don’t get lucky that way.  The kid’s driveway is sheer ice and I mean sheer.  My car was sliding.  With my bad back, I wasn’t about to get out of the car to walk to their front door.  I felt bad actually because etiquette dictates I should have.  Rudeness.  Thankfully, my step son came out to me followed by his Mom.  It was nice, she was nice.  It was survivable.  It’s always so awkward.  I mean I am the woman that basically he left her for.  Basically.  A longer story than just that but it’s what she thinks, I know she does.  But she does play nice and I respect that, I do.  I apologized and said I could not afford to walk on the ice and we went talking from there.  She even offered to do Therapeutic Yoga with me and Reiki.  Things she truly believes in, as do I, well in the former not the latter.  I believe different things work for different people.  I know she believes both of these things would work for my back issues.  I am sure it would not be so being done under the watchful eye of my husband’s ex-wife.  That just gets a little too close for comfort.  And while I felt comfortable in my own skin today, I am sure doing downward – look at my ass – dog, I wouldn’t be so confident.

Driving with teenagers is….joyous.  They sleep, complain about the music, sleep, complain about the distance, sleep, complain about the food, sleep, complain about….well you get the drift.  Oh and the ever favorite, “Don’t swear”.  Any idea how much I actually DO swear?  I have a twitch now in my eye that comes out when my brain is on overload.  The text to my husband read, “You owe me, large, like extra-large, like super-duper large”.  Today I had the strength and patience of 12 overly medicated humans.   I jest really.  My step son chatted my ear off, he’s 15.  I got to hear all the good gossip and I love the kid to death.  And my step daughter, the sleep complainer, is such perfection back there at 12, (I wanna be older), years of age.  Just sheer beauty in my rear view mirror. 

I have to tell you about the start of my day before I sign off.  I was up at 7am (boo hoo me…when you don’t work and don’t have to be, that sucks and you know it).  It’s what made me question being manic.  Up that early can sometime indicate an uncontrollable surge of energy.  I fed the dog, stripped the dogs half of the bed, and his half of the couch blankets, to be washed.  When Daddy’s away Doggy takes “Daddy’s spots” on, well, everything.  Before Dad gets home I figure I could clean up a bit.  Briards, my breed of dog, carry a lot of yummy stuff in their long full beards.  (There’s a picture below) Once I had that was underway, just after 8am, I headed in to town for coffee as per the norm.   From there it was groceries for the kids.  Then the Post Office which opens at 830am!!!  I was shocked by that.  I figured banker’s hours for sure, the 9 to 5 special.  I had to get a postcard to mail to a kid in the USA who is doing a school project about all the places he can get cards from.  Who am I to step in the way of a genius idea using old fashion snail mail?  Off went a Toronto Maple Leafs postcard to Mrs. Londeree’s class in Missouri.  LOL.  I just loved sending that.  Worth the two bucks.  Then I went to the pet store and finally the pharmacy.  I was busy this morning and none of it was overwhelming me with the thought in the back of my mind of how my afternoon would end seeing someone much tinier than me.  I was a very proud chunky monkey young lady today.   

Another prideful moment this morning was my surprising control over the human male.  When I got to the pharmacy the hallway door was open but the lights were mostly off in the store so I figured they weren’t open yet.  I could hear them but sometimes they don’t open the store until a little after 9am. Two men came in and waited behind me chatting up my ear about the polar vortex.  I couldn’t help but say, “Try living on the lake, while it has its perks, I keep feeling like I should repeat over and over, I just wanna go somewhere warm, I just wanna go somewhere warm while clicking my heels together”.  That joke went right over their heads.  Wizard of Oz, Dorthy?  No?  Finally after 10 minutes of chatter I knocked on the store door.  The pharmacist assistant came out and opened the door, without unlocking it.  It had been opened the entire time!!  The gents were going to wait behind me until Christmas I guessed.  When I said that both chimed in with almost identical, “Never mess with a woman in line”.  *giggles* Was a wonderfully funny start to the day with two 60 year old men reminding me that not all men are stupid. 

And that’s today’s story.  I was a totally normal sane person.  Almost beyond so.  I was happy.  Not many can say that on a day to day.  I am gonna try to hold onto that for a bit, for as long as I can.  
I really love this new ring.  It's sterling silver, $60 cash with 6 earring backs thrown in.  Not too shabby.

And I think I love my flowers even more.  They too were $60 because I bought them all separate then made my own bouquet.  I think every woman should buy themselves flowers at LEAST once a month.  They just brighten your day, and your home decor.  I love the smell when I pass the foyer. 

Well hands down I love this guy the mostest.

How about you?  Did you have a happy day?

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