Tuesday, April 29, 2014

DBPW - Day 86 Dancing in the driveway....

Today is a good day, another one.  I count them, I savour them.  Actually I record them for the purpose of my psychiatrist because these drugs I am on can cause different reactions, both physical and mental.  I got up today and ran errands.  While doing so I changed the radio about 40 times.  I was only out for an hour.  Just as I pulled into my home I found, Papa Was a Rolling Stone by the Temptations.  I couldn't help it.  I cranked the radio up to full blast, got out of the car to greet ma' puppy and danced my big ass off.  I should say big, I should say, big firm butt off.  My workouts have firmed this girl all back up.  Big or not, there's no flabby going on here.  I grabbed my ankles did the Miley Cyrus, humped my car door and the dog humped me.   I danced to the entire song.  My rabbits were jumping around, the dog was dancin'....what a great start to the day!  I was winded all to hell but I can still move!  I got the moves like Jagger!  Actually better. 

When I got inside to settle into my day I decided I should probably start checking into my closets for this weekend away in Florida this weekend.  Yes yes, my writing course is in Florida.  Oh you are thinking, "poor you, away in Florida"....listen assholes, it's two fucking days in 90 degrees when I have my period, hot flashes and an extra 50 pack on my ass.  Fuck you!  It's not heaven!  Trust me this is not the ideal time for me to be travelling.  I am likely to kill someone in the airport alone.  Shit now that I wrote that I will probably be arrested by CSIS.  Damn it. 

The wonderful things that did happen is my closet produced two, count em, two maxi dresses, sun dresses that look awesome on me and that's my two course days clothed.  One two, done.  I haven't picked out clothes that fast since I had the flesh eating disease and dropped to a size 5.  Now all I need is airplane clothes and those are always maxi skirts and big tees with cardigans for warmth.  I am a comfy stylish flyer.  Maybe a fedora just for funsies.

Today is a good day.  Just look at the little things.  And NO ONE, not anyone, is stealing this good day from me.  Why you ask?  Because I said so!

It took me 5 minutes to get my outfits ready for a 4 day trip.  No one can steal that glory, no one!

I emailed my husband to say, "can you talk me through turning back on the furnace, it's really cold in here".  His reply, "turn up the thermostat".  Okay asshat I thought you had turned off the furnace and pilot light etc, OBVIOUSLY!  Jackass.

People be tryin' to ruin ma' dance off day.  They be tryin'. 

Why I am talking that way is beyond even me.

1 comment:

  1. So, it looks like we'll go another weekend without a driveway! We have to go out this morning. We'll just make bigger ruts in our poor grass today!yard fencing
