Saturday, April 26, 2014

DBPW Day 83 Privileged You Say?

You know when you are sitting in a restaurant and the people next to you roll their eyes when your children speak that.....they are speaking "privileged".

You know when I have to say, "enough, ENOUGH, of this talk, no one is getting anything and who WANTS TO ARGUE MORE ABOUT THIS?????"....they are speaking privileged.

My kids, how I love them but being from divorce, the typical happens, they are spoiled.  ROTTEN!  So undeniably they speak privileged. 

Please don't get me wrong, they are great kids but, "can I have a glass of milk?" is the question.  Not, "may I please have a glass of milk?".  I make them revert from the first to the second before I will move for the record.  And milk is not released from my hand until what?  That's right, "Thank you step monster" is said.  This is just what happened as they were raised, we all jumped to do whatever we needed to do to make two kids from divorce happy.  If a free glass of milk will make a 6 year old happy, let's do that.  6 years later.....

(I named myself "Step Monster" for the record, it's how I roll).

At the dinner table the kids were arguing about these little boats WE PURCHASED that they believe are THEIRS so whatever we sell them for is THEIRS.  These kids can debate like politicians, using their biggest words, and biggest sentences and when that fails, the eyes well up.  They are, after all, tweenagers.

The problem with these beautiful, lovable, amazing kids is their lifestyle dictates money is for throwing around and for too long we competed with that.  Their uncle is a millionaire with his own plane(s) (that's plural....yes it is).  To them a flight is private, in a private plane.  At the table I heard for the second time in my life, "I don't do coach".  To which I replied, "neither do I as they don't have horse drawn coaches in most parts anymore, I fly economy you little monster brat". 

We created this, we have to uncreate it and it's not going to be easy, I will tell you that much.  I have been looking for "patience pills" everywhere, in every pharmacy and health stores I pass. 

For now valium will have to do.

But I love them, I swear I do.  As if they were my own.  I would kill for them.  I would die for them.  But this privileged shit, it's got to go, now.  I broke it, I will fix it.  Took 13 and 16 years to build 'em, might take that long to break 'em. 

Love.  *sigh*

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