Wednesday, December 4, 2013


For pain suffering, both mental and physical, one needs to find time to be calm, to breathe, to just "be".  That's not easy with ADHD, OCD and all the other perks of being crazy as a loon.  I mean in the past my brain just never stopped, least now I can stare blankly at something but even then, my focal point typically is on something I can't shake out of my head.  So how do you turn off? 

This is genius.  Do you walk your dog or your thoughts?  Think about it. *snicker*

Seriously, how do YOU do it?  (A curious mind wants to know).

Last winter I took a course which basically, and entirely, ended up being about being in "the NOW".  Right now in this moment as I type to you. 

Fingers are typing.  Check.
Fast. Check.
No pain there.  Check.
Brain functioning.  Check.
Body is warm and comfy.  Check

I am going to stop there because that's all I really need in "the NOW" isn't it?  Do I need to go into that I am not hungry, I have money in the bank, a roof over my head, a husband who adores me, kids who are the loves of my lives, a dog I don't want to live without.....I mean, that's all just icing on "the NOW" cake. 

Now, I understand as you read this, you could have tears rolling down your eyes because your now isn't "all that". Then I want you to remember this;
It is what it is, only while it is, then it isn't, then it's something different.

It won't be "all that" forever.  Maybe a minute, a day, a week, it will be something entirely different if you allow it to be so.

Yes it simplifies life but life isn't meant to be as hard as we make it out to be.  We focus on tragedy after tragedy barely scraping by them and forget that in between those we could have let go of it and lived happily. 

Look at a cancer patient.  I have a friend battling it right now.  And I know in between treatments she is angry and frustrated with how sick she feels but she is also, "ENJOYING EVERY SECOND OF LIFE" because.....  What if we didn't wait until we had cancer and just remember in between every crack in the road we just let go and tried to smile about nothing?  A bird, a flower, a dog doing something silly.  Just bask in that moment of peace.  Ever seen a sick person just smile and catch yourself wondering how?  Because they have put aside that illness and got into the now of some moment we aren't a part of but probably could be, if we allowed it. 

Stop and smell the roses.  They did.  You just walked right past them.

Could you pass this right by?  There, by itself, in someone's yard.  Would you stop and smell it?  I would.  Now.  Not the old me.

I took a meditation course this past summer and along with remembering life is less stressful in "the now" it teaches you how to calm down, be with your breath only, nothing else, just "there", "present", "in the moment".  I hadn't done any practise of it since I left the course.  I learned enough I thought. 


I caught myself lost in a negative moment of history with a past friend the other day.  Again, I was told something that wasn't true, maybe it's his truth, but it's not mine.  And it hurt, and it made me mad and I started to obsess about it.  So I went online and found some things to watch with him on them and I remembered my admiration of him and some things he is doing and found a positive place again.  I even sent him a positive twitter message.  I could not have climbed out of the "why did he do that to me" place this fast, if I hadn't of meditated this morning.

This morning I did a meditation called "The Room".  A beautiful voice takes you into your "ideal room space".  You design all your favorite things in your head and you walk into your room.  In this room is you.  You greet you.  And you just be in the room with yourself.  And as I always do I find myself comforting myself.  Telling myself how special I am, how beautiful and smart.  Worthy.  I smile.  Sometimes I cry even, tears of happiness.  I am in my favorite place with an amazing person.  Why wouldn't I be happy.  And when I come out, I want all things negative to be positive again.  I remember how honestly worthy I am and don't often allow myself to see.  It's a beautiful head space to be in. 

How they got in my head I don't know.  Only thing missing is green palm leaves, sand and ocean in the view out the curtains.

Whether you believe in meditation or not, matters none.  What matters is, right NOW.  It's all that really matters.  Then there will be another NOW and one after that.  And what is, only is, while it is, then it won't be. 

Do you meditate?  Do you live in the now?  Try it sometime, it's a nice place to be when you remember to visit.  Imagine living there!  No wonder that Dalai fella is always smiling.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE YOU. and all yr rooms;) your friend in true admiration JEN
