Saturday, January 21, 2017

Because It Has To

My husband said worriedly to me today, "Honey, maybe I am being insensitive, but why are you so upset?  How does this election have anything to do with you babe?"  

And my reply, "it has to.  It has to have something to do with me or I am pretending it's not happening and that doesn't help one woman needing a cancer check up but can't get one because Trump and Pence only see an abortion clinic.  I am so happy that I am privileged enough that it doesn't affect me directly but I am so sad and scared for those it does affect.  I am overwhelmed by the feeling that things are going to get very dark for women, gays, and anyone having a different religion than them.  Imagine for one second being an American, born and raised, with darker skin, who is a Muslim?  They must be so scared?  Only because they look different. Only because they go to a different church than Pence does.  I am sad because I've said shit in the past that has been racist and cruel and seeing this makes me feel like I contributed to what's happening.  Fuck, I guess I did.  Then here in Canada, we are going to end up bankrupt by our government and the incoming choices to change that is our reality TV version of Trump, or the reincarnate of hitler in female form.  My head is just spinning.  I was already worried about my dog dying soon, and now I've got to start worrying about women, gays and human alike losing their rights.  All of this shit is keeping me up at night".  

And I sobbed.

This women's march today moved me.  I am so amazed by the strength and power of women.  I don't condone rioting.  I have never understood trying to make a point by burning your neighbourhood to the ground.  But man, do I approve of protests and marches like we saw today.  I believe everyone has a right to send a message in a safe, non-violent manner.  I absolutely detest people who use protests as a cover up to cause harm, damage, and steal.  Those are criminals, not protestors.  Do not label them the same.  That's not fair.  I am so grateful to every single person who gathered today to march in the name of equality for all.  I only wish to hell they had of rallied this way and taken the electoral vote along with the majority vote.  If, for no other reason, than Planned Parenthood and the 2.5 million women who used their services for everything medical, not limited to terminations of pregnancies.  

I am not even an American.  I am Canadian.  I am neither left nor right.  I am very much, in the middle. 

The lefty political part of my brain tells me that we need to take care of those who are less fortunate than we are.  The right part says that must be done economically.  There has to be a balance between doing the right thing and being financially smart about it.  Perhaps that's wishful thinking?  

My entire brain believes that I am the only person who should have a say in what happens in, or to my body.  I don't believe there should be any limitations, restrictions or guidelines on this.  My body, my choice.  

I believe the LGBTQ community must have the same rights that I have.  They are human beings.  Sexuality has nothing to do with equality.  The end.  

I believe every single person on the planet has the right to choose their religion, faith, spirituality, or lack thereof.  I don't care if you worship at the alter of cow paddies.   If you find comfort in that, if it gives you peace, then have at it.  So long as what you find comfort in does not also give you an excuse to hate.

I believe that countries are built on the backs of immigrants and we need to remember that especially in times of war.  I don't think human beings should die in another country because there is a homeless person on my street.  I think we can figure out how to do both and one shouldn't negate the other's importance.  

I believe we need to respect law enforcement and I believe that with respect comes power and that power should never be abused.  I also don't believe every black person is a criminal any more than I believe every cop is a racist pig.

I believe in many ways (think childbirth) that women are stronger than men.  I think because the wisest of minds think from both an emotional and intellectual place that women are probably inherently smarter than men.  Either way, we just need be considered equal to, not less than.  

I don't believe anyone has a right to grab my pussy unless I say the words, "grab my pussy".  See how that works?

I think this women's march, this powerful movement that happened today was amazing.  I don't think this was about whining Liberals.  I think this was about human beings very clearly saying, "you will NOT fuck with us or the rights of anyone we care about".  I am sad there has to be a movement to remind those in power of this.  

I don't believe Donald Trump is a smart man or a nice man, and I think you need to be both to be President.  It scares me that people don't see this.  I am astounded that people can't tell by his use of the English language alone, that he is not very bright.  "Very very" is not proper English.  Ever ever.  

Being rich does not make someone smart enough to run a country.  Just today Donald Trump hinted that maybe the USA would get a "second chance" to "take the oil" from Iraq. Uhhhmmm Mr. President, you know Iraq can hear you right?   I thought he was going to pull the oil, every ounce of it, from every conceivable part of the states?  I thought he was going to make sure the USA had no need to rely on foreign resources?  I thought he was going to put every oil worker back to work in the USA?  I thought he was against the war in Iraq?  All of this, concerns me, a lot.  

I've shaken my head so much in the last couple of months I think I've permanently damaged my neck.  

I am so very tired of talking about politics and Donald Trump.  I don't actually want to talk about this.  I don't want to cry when I watch the news because I am both frightened and so fucking frustrated my head feels like it might explode.  I would prefer instead to bury my head in the sand and pretend this isn't happening.  I don't want to accept that people I care about actually voted for this man.  I cannot pretend that I think this is okay.  

It's tough sometimes to be heard because those who don't agree often insult instead of listen.  We prepare to defend ourselves in our mind instead of just listening to the opposing side of an argument.  We are not hearing each other any more, at all.  We are just lashing out, back and forth.  And that's on both sides of the fence.  When Donald Trump says "I'd like to punch him" and Robert Deniro replies with, "I'd like to punch you", nothing is accomplished.  Madonna saying, "fuck you", or "I'd like to blow up the White House but I won't", does nothing but get the opposing side up in arms, literally.  This is why none of them should be President.  You must think before you speak in any leadership role.   Raw emotional reactionary behaviour like this from either side, is not okay.  A President lashing out on Twitter is not okay.  I feel like life has become a schoolyard and the bully is in charge and people are scared.  Scared kids tend too lash out, even become bullies themselves.  We can't let this happen.  

All of this might be upsetting, but it's real, it's happening.  Hiding from the truth doesn't make the truth any less factual.  Turning off your TV doesn't change the news.  Pretending all is right with the world does not actually make it so.  If you want things to be right, you need to right them.  The only way to ensure you get what you want, what you expect, what you deserve, is to ask for what you want.  You need to tell the person in charge what your expectations are and to make it clear what you believe you deserve.  

Thank you to every single person who marched peacefully today to say to those in power, "we will not standby and lose a single right we fought for yesterday.  And you will be held accountable if we do".  

Yours sincerely,

Nasty Woman...I guess?


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