Saturday, March 15, 2014

DBPW - Day 41 Happy and Healthy, not good enough?

When a baby is born we say, “we just want the baby to be happy and healthy”.  So why isn’t this good enough for an adult, “happy and healthy?” 

An overweight person with the BMI (Body Mass Index) of a rhinoceros can still be healthy if they work out and exercise consistently.  While they may eat dessert or eat red meat they don’t drink pop for breakfast and think Twinkies constitute a whole grain product. 

An underweight person with the BMI of a Q-Tip can still be healthy if they work out and exercise consistently and eat regularly with a healthy passion for food and a fast metabolism.  I mean that makes them a total twat but still, healthy. (Insert jealousy here).

If both of these people are healthy and happy who is better off?  Did you know that the thin person could have a metabolism that is so fast that sugar isn’t processed correctly and they are diabetic?  See Mary Tyler Moore, she is thin and a healthy lifestyle advocate, she has diabetes.

Did you know that an overweight person with a rhino’s BMI can suffer from an iron deficiency because they’re body doesn’t absorb and use the iron the way it should.

So who’s healthier?

How about the fitness fanatic who is ripped, doesn’t have a BMI save for muscle, but the working out so hard, the pushing is causing their adrenal glands to overwork and stress.  Their muscles are atrophying because they are overused. 

They healthier?

Does a diet consisting of kale, spinach, goji berries and chia seeds equal a balanced diet? 

How about someone who focuses on nothing but water as beverages, a salad a day, veggies with dinner but no real other consideration save for protein with breakfast to get going in the day.  Is this okay?

I am tired of all sides of this argument.   I won’t lie. 

Fitness fanatics, hooray for you.

Chunky monkeys, hooray for you.

Curvy girls, hooray for you.

Thin mints, hooray for you.

Let’s please stop pointing fingers and throwing around descriptive words like obese to describe someone 25 pounds over the ideal BMI.  Obese is not having the ability to lift your own weight and walk.  Anorexic is someone who actually doesn’t eat. 

Let’s all be kind to one another and accept each other.  I will accept your are working out right now and give you credit where credits due, if you accept I take weekends off and am currently eating a butter tart. 

P.S. Rapid cycling today, high as a kite.  Yippeee!


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