Thursday, March 13, 2014

DBPW Day 39 Cookie Monster

Why is one cookie never enough?  And why don’t they cure all that ails a girl?

I woke up this morning and didn’t want to get up.  I prolonged getting up until 1030am.  It’s not normal to stay in bed from 8pm until 1030am.  I knew I was down, or starting a down turn but I couldn’t stay in bed anymore.   My back was killing me.   I just got up, put on gym clothes and headed in.   I knew that working out would help the brain.

I got through a workout but was lost in most of it.  There was a woman next to me who finished 15 minutes before me because I didn’t hear half of the “change stations now” messages.  I was happy to get out of there I think my half hour workout went to an hour. 

Did I mention ahead of me in the line at Tim Horton’s for my coffee after the gym, was a truck with the license plate “JDIMSTR” as in Jedi Master.  All I can think is how “NRD” or “NERD” would have been cheaper if it’s sold by the letter. 

I made it home in generally okay spirits.  It didn’t last.  My husband is working on our taxes and I couldn’t get my head around my part in it.  The parts of the taxes I do.  I just wanted to go back to bed.  My head was spinning.  I don’t know how people with this disease handle stress, go to school, work.  All the power to you strong peeps.

I really feel quite useless some days.  I bite my nails and chew my face for a living.  I guess I write to you fine folks too.  But I really hope this course in May and again in August help me to get motivated to get off my ass and be successful in something.  All I am successful at right now is staying alive.  I have books to write about divorce, one night stands and Bay Street damn it.


Not a happy camper today.    Guess what happens when a girl’s not happy, she eats cookies.  Doesn’t help but sure tastes good.  Yum.   Especially home baked ones.


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