Sunday, May 15, 2016

You can't be loved if you don't love yourself?

Well Spiritual Poet, you can go fuck yourself.  There are a ton of people out there, often mentally ill people, who struggle with their self worth.  And they find love.  It's harder for them and their partners sometimes as they figure out how not to make the other suffer for their own self loathing but it is more than possible to be loved when you don't love yourself.  Saying otherwise is harmful to so many people.  It's reckless to say these things.

What we are basically saying here is that if you are abused, verbally or physically, (or both), you deserve it if you don't love yourself.  If you have low self esteem then you are getting what you put out there.  The predator will see the self loathing and attack.  While that's not entirely untrue, they will find you, it does not mean you are at fault, or you deserved it.  It means they, the predator, the abuser, are a vulture.  

And anyone who says otherwise is being abusive to anyone and everyone with low self esteem.  "I wouldn't have to hit you if you just did the right thing".  I don't see the difference.  

Telling someone they deserve what they get when they are so obviously struggling with low self worth can lead to death. 


I do believe what you put out there is what you get, but I believe that more in a "work hard, get results" kind of way.  If you don't eat right and exercise, you will not be healthy just because you want to be, you need to work for it.   Wanting money, will not make me rich.  Life doesn't work that way.  Working for money will make me wealthier. 

I am pretty confident that if someone is struggling with their self worth they can find someone who loves them for exactly who they are.  Perhaps someone else's love will encourage a person to love themselves.  And that, is a positive outcome.  I do not believe if you don't love yourself, and that's your "vibe", that you will never get love in return because the Universe doesn't work that way.  

Still, Universe or not, you must look in the right places for love, not the wrong.  Most people who do not love themselves pick horrible partners to re-affirm what they believe.  If you stop doing that, then you can be open to the right person.  Picking the right person is a matter of picking better than you think you deserve.  You do not actually have to be confident and self loving to do this, you just need to "make good choices".  You have to understand that if you are not getting love, the kind of love you've seen and heard of, maybe you don't even understand, then that is not the person for you.

I have seen a ton of confident, self loving people, get divorced.  

My husband Dan loves me more than I love myself, that is a fact.   His love is what made me decide to take on a  journey of self awareness.  I didn't do that for me, I did that for him.  And that's okay.  I still did it, I am doing it.  It doesn't matter how I got here.  The end result is me bettering myself and learning to love, myself, him, and everyone around us, more every day.  He saw this in me.  He saw what I was capable of before I even did.  And that my Universe people, that's a positive from a negative.  

In short, fuck you Universe and all those that say I didn't deserve this because of my vibe.  My vibe is struggling but she's pretty darn lucky all the same.  Some would say I deserve happiness even.    


  1. I love this!!! I do not love myself and struggled for so long, nitpicking myself, and pushing people away. I ask my husband now to please give me affirmation of his love but he thinks it's dumb and I need to work on me. His way of me working on me is giving me space, being gone, on his phone and sleeping on the couch. I'm a wreck, do you have any suggestions.
    Btw I love yoga and I attend occasionally. I eat pretty healthy

  2. Good Lord. I think you're missing the whole point. Self-love is the highest form of self care. Take care of yourself and the rest will fall into place. Quit over analyzing stupid shit just for the sake of argument.

  3. Unknown she is right in every way n the whole phrase is deflectional n doesnt come from an abundant infinite universe.. it is said by limited conditional beings who rather than choose to be sources of love towards another instead become sources of not being able.. its regardless what they admit as thier truth.. no amount of invalidation and bypassing can cover the fact that its what came out of them as a source thereof., love is given and shown and is not some rewarded thing for a specific behavior.. humans again are the ones who harbor such self serving circular reasoning within them., kindness is beautiful because it has depth n so does compassion but they as well too are show from someone that is able.. unfortunately for everytime i have heard this come from domeone thier very aura turns murky colors because it means they are harboring a bllck within themselves.. not the person they are saying it to.. people are accurate if when theyve experienved it said to them that it feels cold heartless n like as if a wall was placed before them.. n its how deflection works n what vibe it gives off.. people also give themselves away by thier being how they sre when interacting with something where they are with it in accordance to it., it is no different than seeing someone in a desert diring of thirst while the one seeing them is holding a full cold bottle of water n yet when asked for some turns to the one on the ground "help yourself.. quench ur own thist for yourself.. u have to have ur own water before u can have it with others.. how contradictory n hypocritical does tis sound to you? Pretty cold right they couldnt just choose to help the person.. onstead they chose to be the way they were.. it is not the ones fault for dieing of thirst on the ground.. the fault lies when expecting that person to make it happen for has depth not shallow ends of pools.. and its called self serving onself for a reason.. it benefits nothing else.. beings were created to be sources of and not something which lacks the ability to be unconditionally supportive which by the way is the definition of just is and isnt because of anything., its what follows and isnt something thats an island or some golden statue to be coveted or a reward bequeefed.. it is selfish beings supporting selfish behavior who harbor such misgiving n misconnection n its why they mis understand and mis(s) the point of it.. it is what it is.. not what it isnt.. in an infinite universe as dimensionally infinite beings in such a way do they give themselves away.. she is not obligated to be blind or a tool like thevrest of society.. nor is she obligated to agree to anything behavior nor subscribe to it.. its how life works.. as a male i am in full agreement with both of thier truths which they have spoken more clearly than half the deflectional shit out there that hides behind its fears.. part of awakening is realizing all the bullshit out there n becoming concious of it is like calling it out as exactly what it is.. ascension is about rising above it.. if beings want a better world they must find the couragevwuthin them to be the changebthey seek n only then will truth previal.. which as u can see is strong here., love (support) and light (clarity) ladies..
