Sunday, April 12, 2015

I am not an ostrich!

If you bury your emotions long enough, they will explode.  It's science, and them people, them Big Bang like peeps, they know stuff.  If you don't believe that, then believe me, you will blow.  I blew.  This is not as dirty as it sounds.  If you are expecting porn, do not keep reading.  I am Fifty Shades of....crazy, not sexy.

We all know that one person, who pretended everything was great, and perfect, shiny and happy.  Pretty much like everyone on Facebook.  We are all so seemingly shocked to hear they become sick, or that they ran away from life, or maybe the saddest of all, tried to hurt themselves.  Given time we find ourselves saying, "I am not that surprised because it just didn't seem real". 

Real life can hurt.  It's a part of life.  Losing someone you love, hurts.  A pet leaving us too soon, hurts.  Someone walking out of our lives, hurts.  Losing a job, hurts.  These are real feelings which should result in real emotions.  Imagine that!  Contrary to popular belief, we CANNOT control our feelings and emotions.  That said, we also do not have to live life as a hostage to them, under their complete control.  Feelings and emotions are instinctual, primary.  Before we even know it sometimes we are awash with feeling something. We don't always know why.  The greatest gift we can give ourselves is the journey to understanding, why. 

By answering the why we can start to control our reactions and our behaviours that come as a result of what we instinctually feel.  It's much easier to face that you don't like swimming if you realize you fell in a lake as a child, for example.  You can then become kinder with yourself.  Gift yourself with the understanding of your fears and accepting them as you take each step further into the water.  You will find great courage when you enter into an agreement with yourself that is derived from self love and kindness.  You will be amazed at all you can accomplish.

Okay I threw up a little with all that wise deep thinking full of great imagery *splashes water*.

Presentable and perfect is so yesterday's news.  It can stay in the kitchen with Mrs. Cleaver. 

I often hear, "they are not busy enough" as the solution to mental illness or even controlling ones emotions.  Distraction is nice but one cannot live on distraction alone.  No more than one can live on having no goals or aspirations.  One day, a day we will all face, there will be no more distractions and you will be forced to see yourself.  You will have to feel your feelings and deal with emotions you never even knew you had.  Drugs and alcohol were all created and designed as a way for the human psyche to avoid what is right there, the shit we don't want to face.  Give yourself that gift, face it, head on.    Even if it takes baby steps, one inch at a time, deeper and deeper into the water. 

Don't do it.  As per National Geographic Kids, Ostriches don't actually bury their heads in the sand.  Because why?  Because they wouldn't be able to breathe! Get it?  They'd suffocate, much like you and your feelings.  

This deep thought brought to you by The Matrix trilogy, which my husband forced me to watch last weekend, and where I realized most deep thoughts must inevitably come from.  They are deep, deep movies. 


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